Karen Igho Confirms Her Bóóbs Are Fake

Ex; big Brother Africa victor Karen Igho have allegedly confirmed that the player’ bréasts are false.
This pursues an insult directed at Karen from Ghanaian player Yvonne Nelson, who had termed Karen’s bréasts as “fake bóóbs”.
The press release read;
one time yesterday whilst organising for her promo photo fire, Karen and the World PR Media camp got breeze of a tweet that was dispatched to our purchaser, Karen Igho.
Yvonne Nelson cited as follows “fake bóóbs, no wonder you don’t have a bf”

. When Karen got the attentive, she made several individual signs to clarify the position of the tweet and the tweetee, but none of the enquiries was responded and a claim of ‘handle hacking’ was inferred by the Nelson bivouac.

Just to update the Nelson team since we can’t reach you, Karen’s resort to breast implants were as a result of chunks found and removed in her bréasts. And can you furthermore be a good function model to your own younger followers by opposing online bullying or any other kind of bullying for that matter.