SHOCKING:Vampire Man Kills And Eats Flesh Of 3-Year Old Daughter

 A Papua New Guinea man recounted as a vampire has been apprehended after supposedly killing his juvenile female child by biting her neck, consuming her flesh and consuming her blood, a report states. The grisly incident appeared on Wednesday at a town beside Lae.
According to Papua New Guinea’s post courier, the localized councilor John Kenny, who was one of the first on the scene, said the three-year-old progeny and her mother were visiting the dad when he caught the young female and ran off into a nearby wilderness. Kenny said the man supposedly held the toddler close to him, bit deep into her neck, ate the body material and imbibed her blood.

Two boys who were ascending a coconut tree close by saw him and ran quickly to lift the alarm.“He was just laughing at the young men and continued consuming the body material and

sucking the blood,” Kenny notified the bulletin. When people reached to enquire the man dumped the body in the bush and ran away before being apprehended and turned over to police. Papua New Guinea is a rambling nation where very dark magic, sorcery and cannibalism occasionally happen. Another picture underneath. Viewer discretion is firmly advised